Touchstone in The Spotlight
"Trauma & Inner Child Work" -with guest Jana Glass, LPC
A Burden of Choice: The Ripple Effect: Parents' Grief and the Role of Family and Friends Chapter in Prenatal and Preimplantation Diagnosis: The Burden of Choice
ADHD: A Perinatal Exploration
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Accessing Preverbal Trauma with Tammy Moore and Suzi Rutti
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Anger's Role in Trauma and Mental Health Therapy with Patrick Monette
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Birth Trauma and Brainspotting with Jana Glass, LPC, PMH-C
Birth Trauma with Jana Glass, LPC, PMHC
The Miscarriage Therapist
Body Image and Perinatal Considerations with Monica O'Connell
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Brainspotting Therapy: What It Is And How It Can Help Women In The Perinatal Period With Jana Glass
Brainspotting Treatment for Perinatal Trauma with Jana Glass
Brainspotting and Implicit Trust with Tawanna Woolfolk
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Brainspotting with Perinatal Trauma With Jana Glass
Can you do EMDR with a pregnant client? Clinical reasoning in the perinatal period with Dr. Mara Tesler Stein
Complex Trauma & the 8 phased EMDR Protocol, Jasmine Adams
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Constant Installation of Present Orientation to Safety CIPOS with Nirit Gordon
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Crafting a Values-Based Digital Presence with Mindy Wara
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Dealing with Trauma after Baby
Discussing the Dobbs Ruling with Julie Bindeman
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Dr. Julie Bindeman on the Robin Smith Show.
Dr. Julie Bindeman — Reproductive Psychologist & Advocate
EMDR And Pregnancy with Mara Tesler Stein and Jamie Marich
The Institute for Creative Mindfulness
EMDR Phase 2 Resourcing with Leslie Pertz
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
EMDR Through an Anti-Oppression Lens with Jasmine Adams
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
EMDR and Chronic Illness with Erica K. Smith
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
EMDR and Tinnitus with Leslie Pertz
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Ethical Inclusion in Perinatal Mental Health with Janelle Peifer
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Ethics of Clinical Documentation and Perinatal Therapy with Catharine McDonald
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Expand Your View of Trauma and Healing (Jana Glass)
Flash Interventions with Thomas Zimmerman
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Friday Night Feels with Patrick Monette and Guest Co Host Jana Glass
Funding Innovations for Perinatal Therapists with Jenna Cohen
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Gender Expansiveness in the Perinatal Period with Chuck Bernsohn
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
History Taking and Resourcing with Suna Clinchard and Heidi Roselle
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Hold Me Tight Program for Couples Therapy with Patrick Monette
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Integrating EMDR into Couples Therapy with Patrick Monette
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Integrating EMDR into your practice with Suna Clinchard
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Intensive Parenting: Surviving the Emotional Journey Through the NICU
Kink and BDSM in Perinatal Mental Health with Lana Holmes
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Lightstream Technique for Couples
Love and Loss in Abortion Care
The O+G Advocates Podcast
Mara Tesler Stein, PsyD. A Personal Discussion About The Path of Courage
The Trauma Therapist Podcast (video)
NICU Experience for Babies and Parents
NICU and Healing Trauma with Mara Tesler Stein, Psy.D., PMH-C
Navigating Call In Culture with Diane Palacios
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Neurobiological Foundational of EMDR with Uri Bergmann
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Neurodiversity Affirming Care in the Perinatal Period with Skylar Ibarra, Jane Kosloff, and Erin Wheeler
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Overcoming The Pain of Infertility and Postpartum Depression - Counselor Jana Glass
Parenting Your Premature Baby and Child: The Emotional Journey
Parenting Your Special Needs Child with Taína Amaro and Jana Glass
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Peace from Perfectionism with Marcuetta Sims
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Perinatal Bereavement with Mara Tesler Stein
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Perinatal Crisis and Traumatic Bereavement: Chapter in Behavioral health Services with High-Risk Infants and Families
Perinatal EMDR – An interview with Dr. Mara Tesler Stein
EMDR: The Art and Science of EMDR
Perinatal Mental Health & Brainspotting
Pregnancy Loss and Termination for Medical Reasons with Dr. Julie Bindeman
Taproot Therapy: A Mindful Moment
Primary Prevention: Use of EMDR During Pregnancy
Reproductive Psychology - Not JUST Postpartum with Julie Bindeman
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Sex, Religion, and Infertility: The Complications of G-d in the Bedroom. Chapter in Psychological and Medical Perspectives on Fertility Care and Sexual Health
Supporting Sobriety during the Perinatal Period with Jana Glass
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Surrogacy and Mental Health, An Interview with Dr. Julie Bindeman
#NormalizeSurrogacy The Podcast
TF-CBT and EMDR with Lisa Johanns
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
TFMR: Post Traumatic Growth
Terminating A Wanted Pregnancy
I Want To Put A Baby In You
Termination for Medical Reasons with Dr. Julie Bindeman
The Miscarriage Therapist
Termination for Medical Reasons with Mara Tesler Stein, Julie Bindeman, and Leslie Pertz
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
The Hero's Journey with Lexi Losch
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Understanding Attachment and EMDR with Uri Bergmann
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Using EMDR Therapy to Heal Birth (& Other) Trauma: 4 Experts Weigh In
You Lied to Me About God, A Memoir with Jamie Marich
Tuesday Tea with Touchstone
Whether you are just beginning your work in the perinatal sphere or you are an experienced practitioner, we have training options to fit your needs. Our training curricula are all backed by research, data, and years of clinical experience.