July 28, 2022
EMDR Solutions I
Practical therapeutic strategies and clinical insights from EMDR practitioners who serve diverse clinical populations. In EMDR Solutions you will find fifteen exemplary EMDR solutions, each of which develops the Standard Protocol in creative and highly effective ways. These solutions move EMDR forward and expand the application of this powerful therapeutic approach. In this source book of therapeutic strategy and clinical insight, each chapter presents step-by-step instructions for implementing a particular EMDR solution with clients. Each intervention is enriched with relevant case histories that bring to life new targets for and variations on the standard EMDR protocol. Concrete and specific, the clinical work illustrated here will add to you fund of knowledge and broaden your practice. Robin Shapiro has gathered a stellar group of EMDR practitioners. Each of the contributors offers key therapeutic insights in an easy-to-digest form:
- Maureen Kitchur presents her Strategic Developmental Model, a meta-model for EMDR practice that encompasses all phases of the Standard Protocol, Ericksonian utilization language, and attachment-enhancing practices. Kitchur's model gives a clear order for EMDR processing and a way to process wordless or implicit experience.
- Roy Kiessling offers his Resource Development strategies. Easy to learn and very helpful for clients who are disorganized or in crisis, Kiessling's methods turn resources into cognitive interweaves and ego states into resources.
- Sandra Wilson and Robert Tinker demonstrate an effective treatment for phantom limb pain that encompasses treatment from history taking through processing to "It's gone!"
- A. J. Popky turns the Subjective Units of Distress scale (SUDS) on its head by targeting inappropriate positive affect. Popky also shares his DeTUR protocol with its Level of Urge to Use (LOUU) for the treatment of addictions and compulsive behavior.
- Jim Knipe builds on Popky's work with the SUDS and presents techniques for clearing love-sickness, procrastination, avoidance and codependence using the Level of Urge to Avoid (LOUA).
- Joanne Twombly and Ulrich Lanius teach two very different preparations for doing EMDR with people with dissociative disorders. Twombly's applies techniques derived from hypnosis and ego-state work while Lanius shows how to use opiate-inhibiting medication to allow EMDR to work with dissociated clients.
- Robin Shapiro addresses the Two-Hand Interweave, a simple but widely applicable exercise of discernment. Shapiro also contributes chapters on using EMDR with anxiety disorders, in differentiation-based couple's therapy and with generational and cultural introjects.
- Elizabeth Turner engages children with art therapy, play therapy, and story telling in all phases of EMDR. Her chapter is the delightful cherry on top of this informative, easy-to-use book.
Additional chapters by Carole Lovell, Andrew Seubert, Jim Cole, and Susan Schulherr address EMDR with dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) with borderline clients, working with mentally retarded clients, a reenactment tool from guided imagery, and the binge/starve cycle of eating disorders.
Whether you read EMDR Solutions cover-to-cover or peruse one chapter that speaks to a particular technique or client population, you will be adding crucial skills and knowledge to your EMDR toolbox.

Perinatal Mental Health
Understanding addiction and the Power of Connection...
Join us for a discussion with Jana Glass, LPC, MAC, PMH-C on understanding addiction and the power of connection!

Perinatal Mental Health
Anger's Role in Trauma and Mental Health Therapy wit...
Perinatal Mental Health
Parenting Your Special Needs Child with Taína Amaro ...
Join us for a discussion with therapists and mothers, Taína Amaro, LCSW, PMH-C and Jana Glass, LPC, MAC, PMH-C, on th...

Trauma Treatment
EMDR and Tinnitus with Leslie Pertz, LMSW, PMH C, NI...
Leslie will be discussing what tinnitus is, how EMDR therapists can support someone experiencing tinnitus, and consid...
Perinatal Mental Health
Perinatal Bereavement with Mara Tesler Stein, Psy.D....
Join us for a discussion with psychologist, author, advocate, and founder of The Touchstone Institute, Mara Tesler St...
Patient Advocacy
A Gift of Time: Continuing Your Pregnancy When Your ...
A Gift of Time is a gentle and practical guide for parents who decide to continue their pregnancy knowing that their ...
Perinatal Bereavement
A Heartbreaking Choice
Support for people who have terminated a much wanted pregnancy. For those who have undergone a pregnancy termination ...
Perinatal Bereavement
A Silent Sorrow
Emotional and practical support after a pregnancy loss for bereaved parents and their families to help resolve the gr...
Alex: The Fathering of a Preemie
This is the story of a micro-premie in his first years. It's a story of doctors, hospitals, conferences, hate, love, ...
Ambiguous Loss
Prolonged ambiguous loss can deaden feeling and make it impossible for people to move on with their lives. The centra...
Patient Advocacy
In Anchored, expert teacher Deb Dana shares a down-to-earth presentation of Polyvagal Theory, then brings the science...
This first volume of John Bowlby's Attachment and Loss series, Bowlby posits a theoretical formulation of attachment ...
EMDR Therapy
Attachment Focused EMDR
Addresses the potential to heal attachment wounds and address the damage sustained from neglect or poor parenting in ...
Attachment Informed Grief Therapy
Attachment-Informed Grief Therapy bridges the fields of attachment studies and thanatology, uniting theory, research,...
Attachment in Adulthood
A systematic, comprehensive overview of theory and research on adult attachment, the authors trace how Bowlby and Ain...
Baby First
Resources, tools, and clinical knowledge with a family focus for the neonatal community.
Perinatal Mental Health
Beyond the Blues
Contains the current information about risk factors, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mood disorders in pregna...
Social Justice
Birthing Beyond the Binary
Online trainings and resources from educator King Yaa designed for clinicians seeking to better support trans, nonbin...
Birthing Justice: Black Women, Pregnancy, and Childb...
This book places black women's voices at the center of the debate on what should be done to fix the broken maternity ...
Perinatal Bereavement
Center for Loss in Multiple Birth
CLIMB's mission is to provide parent-to-parent support for all of us who have experienced the death of one or more of...
Perinatal Bereavement
Coming to Term: A Father's Story of Birth, Loss, and...
This is a gripping account of the day-to-day struggles facing the thousands of families every year whose pregnancies ...
Perinatal Bereavement
Companioning at a Time of Perinatal Loss
Intended for nurses, doctors, midwives, social workers, chaplains, and hospital support staff, this guide gives carin...
Professional Development
Coping With Trauma Related Dissociation
This training manual includes short educational pieces, homework sheets, and exercises that address ways in which dis...
Dad Still Standing
Two dads teamed up to create this podcast for other dads (and families) which shows a bereaved father's perspective a...
Professional Development
Decision Assessment and Counseling in Abortion Care
A framework for providing skilled, compassionate care for decision assessment and counseling for all pregnancy options.
Professional Development
Depression in New Mothers: Causes, Consequences, and...
Depression is the number one cause of maternal death in developed countries and results in adverse health outcomes fo...